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Dear amigos,

Today, we’re excited to introduce Made by Ruda, a remarkable boutique studio specializing in creative direction, strategy, and visual identity that is transforming the streets of Madrid. Their talented team has developed an outstanding project that merges two of our favorite elements: exceptional design and meaningful purpose. We’re delighted to showcase their work for Kimun, a social impact e-learning platform that enhances education and fundraising. Currently, they are raising funds for Doctors without Borders in Gaza. This type of communication shows a unique and uncommon approach to non-profit campaigns.

Kimun Campaign: Igniting Change Through Creativity

The brief for Kimun involved crafting unconventional communication for a notoriously large niche: non-profit campaigns. It needed to be both unconventional and effective in communicating the project’s mission in a compelling way that resonated with its target audience: young and creative individuals. Kimun brings together educators from around the globe, offering classes and courses where a portion of the earnings support a specific cause. The goal was to create a campaign that not only highlights the project’s unique attributes but also engages and inspires its audience.

Kimun Campaign: Igniting Change Through Creativity

Made by Ruda is led by Catalina Martelli, a seasoned graphic designer and advertiser from Buenos Aires, Argentina. With extensive experience in the communication industry, Catalina’s studio embodies her passion for crafting both visual and conceptual landscapes. From a young age, her innate curiosity drove her to question everything, a trait she has infused into the studio. This drive to understand the “why” behind design helps Made by Ruda go beyond mere aesthetics, delving into the true personality of brands.

Kimun Campaign: Igniting Change Through Creativity

Kimun’s project is made in collaboration with @Caffetina, Valentina Mora, a Venezuelan illustrator, graphic designer, visual communicator, and tattoo artist. This talented creator has collaborated with the studio on several projects and decided to join this one to embark on the journey of creating “out of the box” advertising for an already crowded niche: non-profit campaigns. Valentina brings a distinctive and recognizable look to Kimun’s communications with her free and warm illustration style.

Kimun Campaign: Igniting Change Through Creativity

“What I like most about my work is that I can create empathy with people, help them communicate what they want to convey, and build their identity through drawing and words.”

-Valentina Mora

Kimun Campaign: Igniting Change Through Creativity

Amigos, we hope you’re as inspired and energized as we are after exploring this fresh and impactful project. If you are working on or researching non-profit campaigns, this example is quite useful. Be sure to follow Made by Ruda and Caffettina on Instagram to keep up with their exciting work. Stay tuned, and we look forward to connecting with you soon!

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